The R package AnglerCreelSurveySimulation gives the manager of a fishery the means by which to simulate a creel survey to determine which survey is best for their fishery. Though fairly simple and with few functions needed to make that determination, the package is still detailed enough “behind the scenes” that users may need some additional documentation to understand how to simulate a creel survey. The manuscript contained herein began as a an embedded vignette embedded in the package but has grown into a codesnippet that will be submitted to the Journal of Statistical software

The paper in this repository will eventually be submitted to the Journal of Statistical Software in order to publicize the package, although Fisheries is another potential outlet.

To strip R code out from .Rmd file:

knitr::purl(input = "./creel_survey/ranney_creel_survey.Rmd", output = "./creel_survey/code.R", documentation = 0)

Edit to remove the first code chunk that contains knitr options.

Stitch into code.html with

knitr::stitch_rhtml(script = "./creel_survey/code.R")

sessionInfo() is added bottom of *.R file and appended to the code.html file.